1401 N. Sam Houston Ave., Odessa, TX | (432) 337-3526

Personnel Committee CHairperson

Personnel Chairperson

Elder Jeanie Holbrook

The Personnel Chairperson and the Personnel Committee is responsible for screening and recommending all paid staff, which may include pastors, musical staff and directors, admnistrative staff, youth directors,  and custodial/maintenance personnel. The committee develops job descriptions for all staff, including the pastor(s) and provides for “the annual review of the adequacy of compensation for all staff. They are also responsible for addressing any and all problems/concerns related to staff. Personnel is also responsible for consulting with the finance committee for all financial concerns. All non-ordained staff are directly responsible to Session who in conjuction with the Personnel committee, establishes policies consistent for all employed persons. 

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We want to Build a community of followers of Jesus Christ who love and serve all.